There Are the Best Cold/Sinus Home Remedies for Kids

child with cold
Photo By George Rudy/shutterstock

A Mommybites reader asked:

What cold/sinus home remedies do you use for your toddler?

Expert, Marsha Greenberg:
Young children get colds more than any other illness and it can be a challenging time when we are trying to help our babies and toddlers feel better. They are not able to blow their own noses and they are not able to use medications so sleep and eating can be affected. Here are some things that can help and always check in with your own pediatrician to be sure nothing more serious is going on with your little one.

  • Try clearing your little ones nose with saline-salt water drops (do not use drops with medications in them). If your toddler cannot blow her nose you can use a bulb syringe but also just let it drip out . You can use “boogie” wipes with plain saline solution on them to help wipe and prevent nasal soreness.
  • Cool mist humidifiers can be helpful- Make sure you are cleaning and wiping your humidifier out each day to prevent bacterial buildup. Also remember you can not add any medication.
  • If your toddler does not have a fever going outside for a walk can help open up the nasal passages and give your toddler some relief. The moisture in the outside air can be very helpful.
  • Steam up your bathroom and play with your toddler for a 5 or 10 minutes to help open up air passages. Her nose will probably start running a lot when you come out. Try doing this morning and night.
  • Drink, Drink, Drink- Make a lot of fresh juices for your toddler; this may be something they will like helping you do.

Remember if you see any of the following check in with your doctor.

  • The nostrils are widening with each breath, the skin above or below the ribs sucks in with each breath (retractions), or your child is breathing rapidly or having any difficulty breathing.
  • The lips or nails turn blue.
  • Nasal mucus persists for longer than ten to fourteen days.
  • The cough just won’t go away (it lasts more than one week).
  • She has pain in her ear.
  • Her temperature is over 102 degrees Fahrenheit (38.9 degrees Celsius).
  • She is excessively sleepy or cranky.

A helpful website:

Mom, Laura Barash:
Aside from the traditional Motrin/Tylenol fix, I use saline spray for my kids’ noses. According to WebMD and, keeping the nose clear can reduce the chances of developing an ear and/or sinus infection. Fingers crossed… it’s been working so far. And, I just started dabbling in elderberry syrup after hearing from several Mom-friends that it’s an effective natural immune booster (legit studies cite it works!). Other than that, I put the kids to bed early and hope that a little extra shut-eye will ward off the cold quickly.

Mommybites team member, Heather Ouida
A few years ago, I heard a unique way to help with nighttime coughs. You rub Vick’s Vapor rub on the bottom of your child’s feet and cover them with cotton socks. I know it sounds crazy, but for some reason it really does work. I have also found honey is a great way to sooth a bad cough as well as soar throats (I believe children must be over 2 years old to have honey however). And when in doubt – good ‘ol chicken soup and an extra long Disney movie cures everything!

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About our team:

Marsha Greenberg M.S., M.S. W
Marsha is a therapist in New York City. She is the author of the newly released book, Raising Your Toddler, by Globe Pequot Press. She has masters degrees in Child and Family Development and Social Work from the University of Michigan. As the Director of the Health Systems Child Care Program for over 14 years, she was responsible for over 250 children between the ages of 6 weeks and 6 years of age. Marsha teaches in the Early Childhood Special Education department at NYU and has a private psychotherapy practice in NYC. Marsha is the mother of three grown sons and has three grandsons (aged 4 and 18 months and 4 months) with a new grandchild on the way.

Laura Barash

Laura, March’s toddler mom, ready to answer your questions! She is a full-time mom to Jake, 4 1/2 years and Logan, 2 years. Prior to full-time motherhood, Laura lived and worked in NYC as a CPA and an executive recruiter for finance and accounting. Shortly before her 1st bundle of joy was born, she moved to the suburbs and now lives in West Hartford, CT. She has taken on the mom role with gusto and when not whipping up PB&J sandwiches, wiping runny noses, and breaking up wrestling matches between her sons, she co-leads the PTO at her son’s preschool, dabbles in photography, runs 5Ks, and takes boot camp classes whenever the bosses allow (Jake and Logan, that is!).


Heather Ouida
Heather co-owns Mommybites with business partner Laura Deutsch. She is responsible for managing, growing and overseeing Mommybites nationally as well their flagship city of Manhattan. Heather’s favorite parts of her job include hosting “Mommybites Live” an educational talk show with parenting luminaries, writing her blog which varies between sappy, educational and downright snarky, interviewing parenting experts for Mommybites’ regular tele-class series and guest facilitating some of the Manhattan working moms support groups. Prior to co-founding Mommybites, Heather was a learning specialist where she taught in London for many years as well as at The Dalton School in Manhattan. Heather holds a BA in psychology from Hobart and William Smith Colleges, an MA in child development form Tufts University and acquired her learning specialist degree form York University in England. Heather currently resides in Manhattan her husband, two boys, two fish and pet turtle. Heather’s hobbies include, hot yoga, Nutella eating, writing, Bravo watching, reading and sharing inappropriate jokes with girl friends. To learn more about Heather’s mission to support follow-moms in non-judgmental ways please click here.

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