Experienced nanny Michelle Brown shares her insight with moms on what they should know about the logistics of traveling with a nanny, from room accommodations and time off to salary and packing. Follow Michelle’s tips to make traveling with your nanny a good experience for all involved.
Should the nanny have a separate room on family trips?
When I travel with families on vacation, I prefer to have my own room. Sometimes I’ve been asked to stay in a room with the children. That is fine too, but if that is the case and the children are solely in my care, I work out an additional rate with the family for overnights. It’s best to work out the fee ahead of time—before you leave for the trip—to be sure that all are on the same page.
Should the family pay for all of the nanny’s expenses during travel?
It’s pretty standard for a family to provide the nanny with accommodations, transportation and meals. The nanny would be paid a weekly salary and for any overtime that they do. As mentioned above, if the child is under the nanny’s care solely, overnight rates are required.
Should the nanny have time off on family trips?
Nannies are often given some time off to enjoy and explore. But this also depends on the family’s needs. For example, if the family needs a nanny to stay full-time with the children, then the nanny would understand that this trip would not allow for personal time and to plan ahead for that.
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Should the nanny sit with the kids when traveling by plane, train or car?
This really depends on the family and what they want to do and what the nanny is comfortable with. From a nanny’s perspective, sitting with the kids and caring for them during travel, or sitting alone both works. Like everything else, this detail is something to work out ahead of the trip.
What is the nanny responsible for when traveling with a family?
As always, caring for the children and anything pertaining to the children is the nanny’s top priority.
Is it appropriate for the family to suggest what clothes the nanny should pack?
Absolutely not! The nanny should know to be professional and make sure clothing is suitable or proper given the circumstances.
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Is it appropriate to ask the nanny to help pack the kids’ bags?
Yes, this is fine if needed. Again, anything related to the kids is the nanny’s primary responsibility.
What about first aid and other medical information—is that the nanny’s responsibility to bring for the kids or the family’s?
First aid and medical is something that the parents would handle. But the nanny should be well prepared for all medical needs and understand emergency plans ahead of the trip.
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Michelle Brown has been in the NYC childcare industry for almost 15 years. Mrs. Brown holds a bachelor’s degree in early childhood education and is licensed by the NYC Board of Education. Mrs. Brown currently heads up one of the largest groups on Facebook, the Nannies of New York City. Mrs. Brown started the group several years ago as a networking and education resource for childcare professionals. Caring for children and aiding her fellow nannies and teachers is Michelle’s passion, and it gives her much joy and fulfillment in her personal life and career.
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