As an aunt who has not been asked to get involved in the much-needed “unspoiling,” your best and strongest course of action is to use your home-team advantage.
Tag: Development
From the time you’re expecting, all the way through toddlerhood, and on to kindergarten and beyond, our rich, educational articles, expertly researched and written by experts in their fields, touch upon all stages of your child’s development. No matter what the child development topic you need some advice on, Mommybites has what you’re looking for – from breastfeeding to sleep, from developmental milestones to car seat safety, from picky eaters to special needs and more!

This Is What All Parents Should Know about Positive Discipline
What is positive discipline? Once children hit preschool age, their desire to be independent grows, and they become much more likely to test their parents limits. When this happens, parents should be very careful not to let their emotions get in the way of producing positive outcomes by using these challenging moments as teaching moments. […]

A Comprehensive Guide to Special Instruction Early Intervention
One of the most important parts of a Special Instructors’ role is to collaborate with a child’s most important people: his parents and caregivers. As educators, the primary goal is to meet your individual child’s developmental needs. We want to help them develop age appropriate play skills and meet milestones.

6 Clever Ways to Teach Your Child Social Skills
Teaching your child social skills is important, but it can be difficult to find the best ways to articulate these skills to little ones – here are some great ways to implement these teaching moments at home!

Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: The Secret Word to Avoid Spoiling Your Kids
Dear Readers, Below is an unabridged article I wrote for CitiBank’s Women and Company. Perhaps my advice will be helpful to parents and grandparents alike. The Secret Word to Avoid Spoiling Your Kids How does spoiling happen? Experts agree that children become spoiled and feel entitled when they are overindulged by their parents. Let’s face […]

This Is How to Use Play to Reveal Your Kid’s Feelings
My four and a half year old son began kindergarten at a NYC public school last September. While I knew that this would be an adjustment for him, I naively underestimated its magnitude. Despite our preparations throughout the summer, his first few days were extremely tearful, anxiety-ridden and overwhelming. Following his repeated requests-turned-pleadings not to […]

Should This Mother Allow Her Son to Wear a Tutu to School?
A Mommybites reader asks: My three year old son wants to wear a tutu to school. He sees his sister wearing one and wants to as well. I don’t know what to do. Yes or no? First ask yourself what about this bothers you. Are you worried that his peers or teachers will disapprove or […]

These Are the Best 9 Toddler Tantrum Survival Strategies
Ahhh, The Epic Toddler Tantrum. It is a masterful thing. Number one, remember that it is not about you. Your child might be mad at you, but the child’s explosion is about him and his feelings, and you do not have to own those feelings as well. He is not in pain, he is PISSED. Let him be mad, you do not have to be as well.