One of the most challenging issues that comes up while expecting is navigating our baby weight gain. In the past we may have struggled with our weight, or have religiously been able to maintain our
Tag: Fitness
Moms live busy lives. We spend all day taking care of our kids, running errands, and working that sometimes we forget to take care of ourselves. This section is filled with articled to help moms on the go and new moms make their work out routines with articles about fitness classes in your area and fitness advice for active lifestyles. These articles will help you to be fab and fit!

This Is How to Get Your Kid Interested in Sports
Playing sports not only benefits your children physically, but also mentally trains them to be sharp and agile. Sadly, many children today spend much of their downtime playing on their computers or watching too much TV. Here are 5 ways on how to ignite your child’s interest in sports.

These Are Some Common Pregnancy Mistakes to Avoid
If one thing is true, it’s that being a new mom-to-be is one of the most overwhelming periods in your life, and you’re bound to make some mistakes along the way. The good news is, you won’t be the first person to mess up. Take note of these five common mistakes women make during their first pregnancy so you can have a healthy pregnancy.

7 Fun Activities to Spark Interest in Exercise for Kids
As a parent, you understand the need for your child to stay physically active. But let’s be honest; today’s society caters more towards being sedentary than physical fitness. It’s imperative to resist this temptation by limiting your child’s screen time and getting him or her active.

This Is Why Pilates while Pregnant Is Great for Pregnant Women
Congratulations! You’re pregnant! Have you been keeping up your Pilates practice? Wish you had kept up your Pilates practice? Whatever your answer is, do not fret — there is something you can do! Just because you have a baby bump doesn’t mean you have to be a bump on a log! The wonderful thing about […]

8 Simple Lifestyle Hacks for Family Fitness and Family Bonding
Your family’s fitness and nutrition is something that needs to be taken seriously. Every parent should be proactive to improving the health and lifestyle of their family. The trickle down effects of good health are immense and by following these tips, you will take your family down the path to improved wellbeing and happiness. Watch […]

These are the Positive Effects of Competitive Sports for Kids
Kids participating in youth sports today can choose between competitive and noncompetitive programs. The latter have gained a lot of traction in recent years. Such leagues focus primarily on participation and having fun – everyone is identified as a “winner,” and everyone seems to get a trophy. In some noncompetitive leagues, they don’t even keep score.

Pregnancy Yoga Poses to Alleviate Common Side Effects of Pregnancy
Pregnancy is riddled with aches and pains. Here are a few of the most common I hear of, and some solutions to alleviate them. I hope this helps, my pregnant friends!