Dear Dr. Gramma Karen, My husband and I are grandparents with grandchildren in college. Although they appear to be handling their experiences fine, we are becoming alarmed by the many articles in the media about the increase in anxiety, depression, and suicides among college students. One of our friends who has similar concerns about this […]
Tag: Health
Nothing is more important than our health – and that includes moms and children. How to live a healthy and sustainable lifestyle is in the forefront of the resources we provide to parents. There are so many factors in our daily lives that contribute to our overall health – nutrition, environment, products – it is important for us to take a holistic look at how we can better our health in all we do. Our articles provide tips and advice that we can all use to create a better environment for ourselves and our families. Moms move the world; let’s make it a healthier one.
How to Tell my Children Their Grandmother has Cancer
My mother-in-law, with whom my seven-year-old daughter and eight-year-old son are close, has just been diagnosed with lymphoma cancer. What advice do you have for what we tell them about their grandmother’s health situation? I want you to know how very sorry I am about your mother-in-law’s diagnosis. As a young parent, statistics indicate that […]
Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: An Interview with Deborah Zeigler
Check out Dr. Gramma Karen’s interview with her colleague, Deb Zeigler, a Gerontologist!
This Is Why Pilates while Pregnant Is Great for Pregnant Women
Congratulations! You’re pregnant! Have you been keeping up your Pilates practice? Wish you had kept up your Pilates practice? Whatever your answer is, do not fret — there is something you can do! Just because you have a baby bump doesn’t mean you have to be a bump on a log! The wonderful thing about […]
5 Life-Changing Nutrition Tips for New Moms
Being a mom is the busiest job in the world – and being healthy is important for you and your little one! Here are some great nutritional tips for young moms.
This Is When Children’s Plastic Surgery Is Necessary
In order for a child to make it through the first few years of life with trying new activities and testing limits, there are bound to be bumps and bruises along the way. How does a parent know when to take care of that “boo-boo” with love and when to request a specialist? Parents routinely […]
8 Simple Lifestyle Hacks for Family Fitness and Family Bonding
Your family’s fitness and nutrition is something that needs to be taken seriously. Every parent should be proactive to improving the health and lifestyle of their family. The trickle down effects of good health are immense and by following these tips, you will take your family down the path to improved wellbeing and happiness. Watch […]
This Is How to Find Safe Cleaning Products for Your Family
Finding safer and toxin-free cleaners to use around the house is important when you have little ones running around the house. See how you can ensure that your cleaning products are the safest products to use for your family.