Moms Helping Moms
Self-Care this Mother’s Day

Self-Care this Mother’s Day

As we approach Mother’s Day a year into the pandemic, it is more crucial than ever to truly take care of ourselves as moms. Self-care ideas are typically working out, taking a bath, reading a book, scheduling a girls’ night, or a massage. Although all of those are important and should still be something to do—let’s take it a step further. Given the year we have had most of us are emotionally depleted. I would truly spend time reflecting on the type of mom you want to be and what you truly need for self-care. Taking a break from cleaning, working and being constantly “on” to recharge, reflect, have fun, and decompress helps ourselves and our family.

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Thoughtful Gifts for New Moms after Birth

Thoughtful Gifts for New Moms after Birth

Whether you’re friends with a new mom, you know someone who is about to give birth or you’re simply looking to do research as your friend group expands, there are so many ways you can support a new mom after birth. If you’ve given birth before, you probably understand the need for support in this vulnerable time. However, if you haven’t and you want to support a loved one and help them feel good, you might be on the lookout for something thoughtful you can do.

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