It can be tough to find the time to play when you have a to-do list a mile long — and busy moms know that feeling all too well. However, ensuring you get the time to have some fun with your kids is important, both for you and for them. Playing with your kids is […]
Tag: play

Making Your Yard a Safe Play Area for Kids
Although being in a yard keeps kids safe from the outside world, there are dangers within your yard that can harm children when left unchecked. Here are some maintenance tips that will help you make your yard a safe place to play.

Sensory Play is Sense-sational
A great way to keep children occupied and learning is through sensory play!

The Power of Play in Your Child’s Development
Play is such an important way your little one engages with the world and builds their skills! Check out why play is very serious business.

This Is How to Find a Toddler Playgroup
When you are a new mother especially if this is your first baby you can feel overwhelmed by everything and have little time to figure out how to find playgroups for your baby especially if your friends do not have babies or toddlers close to your child’s age. Finding Playgroups in Your Area There are […]

Outdoor Play and Your Child’s Development
While some of us focus on the political state of our country, I am focused on the politics of the playground – specifically, recess. Truly not just recess, but all unstructured outdoor playtime set aside for young children. As parents today struggle with carefully planning their children’s schedules, it’s important that they define the line across which their children go from being enriched, to being overscheduled. In schools, the quest for higher standardized test scores has recess being cut out and extra class-time added in.

How to Get Your Kids Unplugged and Outdoors
Now that Spring has arrived, does this sound familiar: You walk into the living room or den on a bright, sunny day only to find several heads bent down and staring into a little glowing screen? If you think about how much time your kids are spending with their tech, instead of outside getting fresh air and vitamin D from the sunshine, you might be worried. And you would have good reason to be.
5 Tips for a “Smart Playroom”
By: Karri Bowen-Poole and Dale Oberlander, two educators who developed Smart Playrooms & who recognize that when children are engaged in a productive and organized play environment they learn and grow naturally. Remember that PLAY is important to a child’s intellectual growth. Children develop a sense of competence and leadership when you reinforce and value their […]