I love being a parenting editor! I spent 14 years at other parenting publications before becoming editorial director of NYMetroParents.
Tag: Support
Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: Readers Reflect and Commentate – Our Children Were Going To Be Mixed…
As we crawled closer to a commitment, I began to envision the better world our children would live in. And one thing I was sure about: Our children were going to be mixed. No child of mine was ever going to describe herself as “Black, with a white parent” — a phrase that I associated with the double whammy of being ignored or abandoned by your white family and labeled by an America that believes in the “one drop rule” and has enslaved, subjugated, and oppressed people accordingly.
Anxious Parents: Raise Resilient Children
In my last article, “Anxious Parents: Are We Raising Anxious Children?” I reviewed taking a look at ourselves as parents and asking the question – are we anxious? If so, are we passing that anxiety down in our everyday parenting? Preparing that article forced me to self-reflect and take a look at the language […]
What You Should Know About Postpartum Depression
It’s only fair for us to share all of this stored up knowledge about what happens once the baby is born
Top 6 Reasons Your Baby Isn’t Sleeping
The struggle is real. Today’s parents are more tired than ever and the culprit is often a 10lbs bundle of love aka a non-sleeping baby. Sleep seems so natural, but so many parents are doing it wrong. Enter Kylee Sallak from Back to Basics Parenting.
Understanding Life Insurance for Your Family: Online Class Re-cap
Last week, we held a highly informative and frank discussion, led by Kellan Goldberg, founder of Eleven Eleven Advisors, about the different types of life insurance and how to determine which type is right for you and your family.
Scream Free Parenting – Getting to Calm: Online Class Re-cap
When it comes to developing great relationships and great kids we know our children need us to be cool, calm and collected. Yet the biggest challenge in parenting is being cool, calm and collected. Why is it so hard? and What can we do about it? We recently held an important class, expertly facilitated by […]
Super Mom Tips for Surviving the Terrible Twos
Two year old toddlers are prone to tantrums, acting out, and general bad behavior. It can drive a new mom or dad to drink — but don’t worry, we’ve all been there. Here are a few tips and tricks to help you survive the terrible twos!