Why Do Babies Smile? Smiling and Early Development

Why Do Babies Smile? Smiling and Early Development

Why do babies smile? There is nothing more wonderful than seeing your baby smile. You feel so filled with happiness and love seeing that smile. Just as babies developmental milestones in crawling and walking for example there are different stages or milestones in how babies develop their smiles. One of the first questions pediatricians ask […]

Food for Thought: How to Boost Your Child’s Brain Power
How to Start Your Baby’s Life with a Legacy of Giving
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How to Leave the House Quickly without Your Toddler Freaking Out

How to Leave the House Quickly without Your Toddler Freaking Out

When my kids are doing something important like entertaining themselves (play is a child’s MOST important job) and I need to ask them to get ready to leave (i.e. go to the loo and get their shoes and coats on) it’s not uncommon for me to hear something like “NOOOO! I don’t wanna go right now!!!” Here’s how YOU can get out the door without power struggles at home.

How to Help Kids Adjust to Wearing a Face Mask
5 Amazing Health Benefits of Coconut Oil for Children