Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin needed by all babies and children. Vitamin D for kids is important, and they get vitamin D from sunlight and food. From April to the end of October, children who are outside playing for 15 to 30 minutes a day can absorb the daily recommended dose of vitamin […]
Tag: Health
Nothing is more important than our health – and that includes moms and children. How to live a healthy and sustainable lifestyle is in the forefront of the resources we provide to parents. There are so many factors in our daily lives that contribute to our overall health – nutrition, environment, products – it is important for us to take a holistic look at how we can better our health in all we do. Our articles provide tips and advice that we can all use to create a better environment for ourselves and our families. Moms move the world; let’s make it a healthier one.

Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: 10 Thoughts to Share at Your Thanksgiving Table
For this week’s column, Dr. Gramma Karen asked Jack Levine to share a special Thanksgiving message. Jack Levine, is the founder of 4Generations Institute, an organization that promotes intergenerational policies and innovative programs to benefit families. Jack’s advocacy contributions are widely recognized.

10 Pregnancy and Postpartum Natural Remedies
Please enjoy this list of 10 healthful hints for pregnancy, labor and postpartum. Much of this information is gathered from friends, students, hands-on experience, mentors and teachers. I strongly believe in learning from others, so please feel free to pass this along to all your friends! Olive oil on baby’s bottom prevents the meconium from […]

This Is How to Deal With Leg Cramps during Pregnancy
Just when you’ve managed your active pregnancy bladder and embraced the frequent bathroom visits – leg cramps begin to set in! Here are some tips to keep the blood circulating and to help reduce leg cramping:

This Is How to Lose Weight after Having a Baby
One of the most challenging issues that comes up while expecting is navigating our baby weight gain. In the past we may have struggled with our weight, or have religiously been able to maintain our

Protecting Your Kids From Involuntary Teeth Grinding
Teeth grinding can be a big problem for little ones and adults alike. It can be stressful to try to learn how to get your little one to stop teeth grinding. Learn how to identify the problem and to help stop it from happening.

How Gestational Diabetes Can Impact Your Baby
Gestational diabetes can cause complications for pregnant moms, but how does it affect the baby? Here are a few ways your baby can be impacted by this disease.

Maze’s Guide to Women’s Sexual Heath
Many women experience sexual issues as they age—from loss of libido to pelvic pain. Plus, hormonal imbalances before, during, and after pregnancy can wreak havoc on women’s bodies. This guide from Maze Women’s Sexual Health compassionately addresses these common concerns. With substantial experience and research under their belts, Maze’s team of professionals explains, diagnoses and […]