For the past 15 years, U.S. communities have joined together to celebrate America Recycles Day on November 15th. Thousands of events are planned nationwide with the goal of educating, motivating and getting our communities excited about making recycling an everyday part of our lives. As a rule of thumb it is much better to reduce and […]
Category: Healthy Living
Healthy Living is where you can find more about how to live a healthy and sustainable lifestyle as well as how to better your emotional health. There are so many factors in our daily lives that all contribute to our overall health – nutrition, environment, products, stress, relationships, etc. – it is important for us to take a holistic look at how we can better our health in all we do.
Each week we will invite healthy living pros to come share tips and tricks we can all use to create a better environment for ourselves, our families and largely our world. Moms move the world: let’s make it a healthier one!
The Mommybites’ Healthy Living section is co-hosted by Mott’s and Mommybites. This partnership does not influence the content, topics or posts made on this blog. We always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on all topics, products, and services.

On the Road: Traveling with Kids
If you are thinking of the best way to travel with your little ones, all I can suggest is to remember that, with any child, it is about the journey and not the destination. So here are some fun ways we travel with our daughter, who is now four years old. Pack it in: Let […]

Maple Almond & Fig Oatmeal: Nutrition and Language
I made this oatmeal one night after craving one of my favorite sandwiches. I love almond butter, fig and banana sandwiches. I know it sounds a bit strange but its almost like a fancy peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I picked up maple almond butter at the farmers market and wanted to give it a […]

Fighting the Back-to-School Cold
Now that we are in the full swing of kids being back in school, we must start boosting the immune systems of the entire family. We all know that what happens when the kids go back to school – they get sick and then they bring it home and then the rest of your family […]

Breast Cancer Awareness: Power in Prevention
It’s October and by now most of you know what it means to “think pink.” That’s right, every October the breast cancer non-profits come out in full force to support breast cancer treatments, awareness, cures and prevention. But what of the four are the most important to you: treatments, cures, awareness or prevention? I’m going […]

Diary of a New Green Mom: Organic Meals Delivered
I am not great in the kitchen. I have only used one burner on my fancy stove, ever. I never made my own baby food for the kids. Before kids, I kept very little food at home and ate meals out or ordered in after work. Now, I am still challenged to stock the kitchen […]

Consider Who’s Present During Your Labor
Who do you want with you during labor? Renowned midwife, Ina May Gaskin, describes a phenomena called the “Sphincter Law” in her book, Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth. While it may sound funny, there is much truth to this theory, especially in relationship to birth. Here are some of the basics of her Sphincter Law: […]

Chaos of Parenting: Six Signs of Acceptance
The post-partum period is made up of late nights and early mornings and what felt to me like a whole lot of waiting; waiting for the incessant crying to melt away and some small bit of sanity to return, and praying for a moment of peace. While eventually babies do learn to self-soothe, few other […]