How You Are Doing It RIGHT

moms, asian, african american, blonde, coffee, cafe, table, trees, mothering

I often write about ways to improve on your parenting or new strategies or changes to make, but this time I am shaking it up. In honor of Mother’s Day month, I want to let you know why you are doing a great job. How do I know? You will see…

You Woke Up And Faced The Day

Getting up is half the battle, especially when you know that your day will be full of cleaning, meal prep, shuttling, listening, asking, asking, asking, negotiations, tantrums, bodily functions… You get it. You did it. You got up and you are going forth with a plan –  even just an outline of a plan. WAY TO GO!!!!!

The Kids Got Fed

Maybe it was a homemade waffle or hand rolled sushi. Perhaps it was a sandwich or a slice of pizza. Maybe it was cereal. Who cares? The kids got fed. They ate and had something to drink. They got nourished. Mission accomplished. Pat yourself on the back and be sure to eat something as well.

You Didn’t Run Away

The kids refused to put their shoes on so that they could go blow bubbles at the park, someone peed on the rug and someone else peed on YOU. Your four-year-old has mastered the teenage eye roll and someone has flushed your keys. Again.

Despite all of that you did not buy that ticket to Hawaii, where you would be served cocktails in fun glasses and delicious meals while scheduling your massage after a dip in the pool. No, no you did not. You did not head off to a tropical paradise.

You took a breath, perhaps cried, went to yoga, ate a pie – whatever you did, it worked because you are not on a beach right now signing up to work as a jet ski instructor. Job well done.

You Are Gonna Do It All Again Tomorrow

Yup, despite all the tears, fights, mess, and madness you will do it all again tomorrow – and why? Because you love them and they love you, and somewhere in everyday you laugh and get hugs and feel needed, and know that you are doing something so important.

You are being a MOM. You are being a mom and they love you for it, they smile that smile just for you, they need the hug that only YOU can give and that story that only YOU know how to tell. You will wake up and do it again – high five!

This Mother’s Day month, celebrate.

Toast yourself, treat yourself, take care of yourself – because you are doing a great job. Perfection is not in the perfection of it all –  it’s in the doing of it all in that way that only YOU can.

Love to all the moms out there and Happy Mother’s Day Month To You!!

Brandi Davis, ACC, is a professional Parenting Coach, Parent Educator, and Author of O.K. I’m A Parent Now What? She can also be found on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and be sure to catch her parenting podcasts on iTunes. The goal of Brandi’s practice is to bring respect, calm communication, teamwork, and FUN into the home or classroom. To discover all that Child and Family Coaching can bring to your family stop by

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